

Letter to Patients: Recare Hygiene Appointment Reopen Plan – June 11th, 2020

Dear Patients and Friends of Deerwater, We are excited to announce the wait is over and we are ready to see you again! At Deerwater Dental […]

Learn About OralDNA® Testing

Good Oral Health Starts With You! Oral health impacts overall health! Are you at risk? Test, Don’t Guess! At Deerwater, we use clinical laboratory services from […]

What You Need To Know About Handwashing

This video answers important questions about hand washing and hand sanitizer.

Letter to Patients: Reopen Plan – May 26th, 2020

May 26, 2020 Dear Patients and Friends of Deerwater, We would first like to take this opportunity to thank all of our patients for yourunderstanding, patience, […]

Managing Inflammation during Covid19

Dr. Duane Keller, DMD, Chief Scientific Officer, founder and inventor of Perioprotect discusses how Perioprotect can combat the Coronavirus in this featured webinar.

Improving Health and Solving Problems with Rx Perio Trays

During this pandemic where the coronavirus is on everyone’s mind, we encourage our patients to build up their immune system and to kill viruses in their […]

Letter to Patients – May 6th, 2020

To All of our Patients: As your neighbours and your health care providers, your health and safety are our top priorities. We remain dedicated to you […]

What to Stock and Eat for HEALTH

Here is a healthy way to stock up on the kinds of foods in the kitchen.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Viruses

Hydrogen Peroxide and Viruses Milton V. Marshall, PhD, DABT, RQAP-GLP, CCRP* Significant evidence exists for the antiviral activity of hydrogen peroxide toward coronaviruses. The USEnvironmental Protection […]
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